North Houghton Co. Water & Sewage Authority - Contract 1, Collection System

Description  Approximately 7,530 feet of sanitary sewer pipe replacement, 1,980 feet of cured-in-place pipe, 1,980 feet of storm sewer pipe replacement, sanitary and storm manhole replacements, customer service laterals, associated sewer system appurtenances, and restoration.  
Engineer's Estimate   
Bid Ad  02341-1.pdf (Acrobat Reader Required)
Bid Date  4/26/2024 
Bid Time  11:00:00 AM 
Bid Location  NHCWSA Office, 25880 Red Jacket Road, Calumet, MI 49913 
Walkthrough Date   
Walkthrough Time   
Plan Deposit $100.00
Handling Fee  $100.00 
Contact  Emmett Bjorn  



Bidder  Base Bid 
B & B Contracting  $3,300,000.00 
Bacco Construction  $3,463,028.77 
Danielson Contracting, Inc.  $4,486,827.50 
View Bid Tab (Acrobat Reader Required)


List of Planholders

Name  Address  City  State  Zip  Phone  Fax 
B & B Contracting  55670 M-26  Calumet  MI  49913  906-337-0017  906-934-2587 
Bacco Construction  N3676 North US-2  Iron Mountain  MI  49801  906-774-2616  906-774-1160 
FA Industrial Services, Inc.  1540 W Adams Street  Iron River  MI  49935  (906) 265-2100  (231) 344-5919 
Danielson Contracting, Inc.  16538 Varline Road  Baraga  MI  49908  906-395-3692  906-353-8081 
Tunnel Vision  PO Box 541  Escanaba  MI  49829  906-786-0460   
Dorner Products, LLC  N61 W23043 Silver Spring Dr.  Sussex  WI  53089  262-932-2100  262-932-2101 
Insituform Technologies, LLC  3014 US Highway 301 N, Suite 700  Tampa  FL  33619  813-465-4587   
Keweenaw Power & Lite  19666 Campus Drive  Hancock  MI  49930  906-370-8020